Administration Offers Exemption from Restrictions on Entry to Foreign Professional Athletes

Administration Offers Exemption from Restrictions on Entry to Foreign Professional Athletes

Friday, May 29, 2020

Sherrod Sports Visas is proud to announce that it became a little easier for athletes to obtain work visas to continue competing in the United States. Our Sports Immigration Lawyers are problem solving for athletes and coaches all over the world that are trying to figure out how to get to the United States under the P-1, O-1, and EB-1A visa categories with consular offices being closed and Customs and Border Control agents turning away travelers


As of May 22, 2020 The Acting Director of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf, signed an executive order to allow athletes from countries subjected to COVID-19 Travel Restrictions to resume travel to the United States. These exemptions are limited to certain countries and only certain sports under the language of the order itself which is included below. 


The motivation behind allowing sports exemptions comes from the Presidential directions to the Department of Homeland Security that Americans need sports and sports are  important to reopening the economy. 

Countries Exempt from COVID-19 Travel Restrictions include: Iran, Ireland, China, United Kingdom, and countries in the Schengen Zone. The sports activities that are mentioned in the executive order include the major leagues such as the NBA, WBA, MLB, PGA, LPGA, NHL, and Tennis leagues. Right now, many of the individual sports such as boxing, mixed martial arts, swimming, and other important sports in the United States. We will be constantly evaluating changes in policy and enforcement on this issue to provide breaking problem solving to athletes, coaches, and sports organizations around the world. 

This exemption falls under “national interest” which is common to travel restrictions in general. The exception does not apply to visa processing and inspection by customs and border control who may still deny entry for other reasons.  

For more information please contact our office by phone at 310-209-8545 or email at


Sherrod Seward