What is the difference between pursuing O-1A and EB-1A for athletes and coaches?
The difference between O-1A and EB-1A and why to use the O-1A first if currently located outside of the United States
For potential clients that are great candidates and also not currently located in the United States, we highly recommend pursuing the O-1A visa first before pursuing the EB-1A visa in most circumstances.
The EB-1A is the permanent resident option for foreign nationals with extraordinary abilities. Meaning this option comes with a “Green Card” to the United States, but obtaining the green card can take quite a while depending on the situation.
The O-1A visa is the non-immigrant option for foreign nationals with extraordinary abilities. This means that a green card does not come with this visa, but in almost all cases, this visa will allow much quicker access to the United State than the EB-1A permanent resident option.
So typically, we advise clients to obtain the O-1A to actually obtain admission to the United States much more quickly than waiting for EB-1A and consular processing to become available for Permanent Residence.
To recap, what is the difference between an O-1A and EB-1A visa for athletes and coaches?
The O-1A benefits compared to the EB-1A visas for athletes and coaches
The O-1A is non-immigrant version of the EB-1A
The O-1A typically takes much less time to obtain access to the United States with work authorization
The O-1A is has the same basic eligibility requirements as the EB-1A but is adjudicated a lower standard
The O-1A is dual intent which means it is perfectly fine to transition from O-1A to EB-1A while inside the United States already by Adjustment of Status
EB-1A visa compared to the O-1A for athletes and coaches
EB-1A is the permanent (Green Card) version of the O-1A
Consular processing of Green Card after approval can take a long time
The EB-1A is has the same basic eligibility requirements as the O-1A but is adjudicated a higher standard which makes it more difficult to be approved
Applying for the EB-1A through adjustment of status while inside the United States on an O-1A visa is much preferable to consular processing outside of the United States
Why applying for O-1A first before the EB-1A is a great idea unless you are not in a hurry?
The O-1A visa can be filed with premium processing and consulates around the World have current availability for interview dates. This means it can realistically take a month depending on the circumstances to be inside the United States with work authorization.
In addition, the O-1A is adjudicated at a lower standard, so if you can get the O-1A; you have time to build a resume in the United States to be a great candidate for the EB-1A visa.
Finally, we have a special program for persons that are interested in the EB-1A, and choose us to do both the EB-1A and O-1A visa.
The EB-1A is 50% off when coupled with O-1 filing first. The adjustment of status fees are still the same.
Please find our pricing in the attached price list and at the link below:
O-1A Pricing: www.oaklg.com/ssvpricing
EB-1A Pricing: www.oaklg.com/ssveb1apricing
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.