Marathon Runner Obtains 212(F) Waiver as NIE for Boston Marathon Race
Sherrod Sports Visas continues a successful streak of National Interest Exemptions for the World’s best athletes. This time we are excited to announce that German Marathon Runner, Thomas Eller, was able to obtain a National Interest Exemption in time to attend the world famous Boston Marathon in the United States.
Thomas Eller of the German Paralympic Team
Thomas Eller is a world class marathon runner who happens to also be deaf. Mr. Eller has been deaf pretty much since birth and has overcome many challenges to get to where he is today. His athletic accomplishments for the German National Paralympic Team inspire people of all ages.
We were contacted by Thomas about a week before he was due to travel into the United States. Our National Interest Exemption practice went to work right away for him to obtain a 212(F) waiver. This is the only way for athletes and coaches to obtain entry to the United States despite travel restrictions from Shenghn countries under the COVID-19 restrictions. Unlike most professionals, athletes cannot apply for National Interest Exemptions at the consulate post. The waivers must come from the Office of Field Operations Customs and Border Protection Coronavirus Coordination Cell “OFO CBP CCC”.
One Year Multi-Entry National Interest Exemption
This office only accepts requests from pre approved leagues and will not entertain requests from the general public. Fortunately, our office has a record of working with National Federations and the United States Olympic Committee to obtain the waivers for athletes.
With our help, Thomas was able to obtain a year-long multi-entry waiver to compete in the United States. Good luck to Thomas in his upcoming competitions.
We are proud to announce a successful National Interest Exemption for Marathon Runner, Thomas Eller! Thomas is part of the German National Paralympic team as a long distance runner, who happens to be deaf. Thomas has overcome many obstacles and inspired many people with his dedication to his sport and the inspiration he provides to his fans all over the World.