Partner Sherrod Seward Appointed to Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles’ International Cabinet

On June 3, 2019, Oakhurst Legal Group Partner Sherrod Seward was appointed as a new member of the International Cabinet to Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles. Sherrod is a longtime contributor to the Charlotte international business community as a broker with the Export-Import Bank of the United States, a trade finance consultant, and of course, as an immigration attorney. Previously, Sherrod was also a member of the World Affairs Council of Charlotte’s Magellan Society for young professionals. This appointment is a tremendous honor to both Sherrod and the law firm of Oakhurst Legal Group. Sherrod will officially join the 21 member advisory council on July 1, 2019.

“I am humbled by the opportunity to advise the Mayor on International business issues during my term,” partner, Sherrod Seward says. “Charlotte is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation and quite progressive when it comes to international business influences. My initial contribution is going to make sure that Charlotte is well informed and positioned to attract the world’s greatest thinkers.”

Responsibilities of the International Cabinet include the following:

  • Provide feedback to Charlotte City Council on international topics from both domestic and foreign issues

  • Promote global workforce development, foreign direct investment, and export opportunities for Charlotte based enterprises

  • Highlight and discuss issues facing local international and immigrant communities in Charlotte

  • Advise City Council and Charlotte City staff on conditions that affect international communities and their business to  government dynamics

  • Provide input to the Mayor regarding international travel schedule and invitations

Sherrod aspires to develop lasting communication with City Council, the Mayor’s office, and fellow members of the International Cabinet. The International Cabinet is composed of both business and community leaders that have an impact on the community and business ecosystem.

For more information please visit or call our office in Charlotte, NC for a consultation at 704-243-8178.

Sherrod Seward