Maya Bruney Works With Italian Track Federation And United States Olympic Committee To Obtain National Interest Exemption And Come To The United States

Maya Bruney Works With Italian Track Federation And United States Olympic Committee To Obtain National Interest Exemption And Come To The United States

Maya Bruney Works With Italian Track Federation And United States Olympic Committee To Obtain National Interest Exemption And Come To The United States

Exceptional Italian athlete Maya Bruney is posed to compete for national and international events.  She participates in the 200m, 400m, 4 x 100m, and 4 x 400 m events.  As a result of the global pandemic, Maya Bruney was required to obtain a National Interest Exemption (NIE).  This process can be both time consuming and frustrating for athletes. 

National Interest Exemptions for Track Athletes

Fortunately, our office has secured a solution by working with the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC).  Through a careful presentation and vetting process, there is now recourse for obtaining a NIE as an athlete or coach.  There is no better time than now! 

With this process, the applicant is required to have a connection to either an official sports Federation in the United States or in their home country. 

Timeline Of Obtaining The National Interest Exemption

For Maya Bruney, our office worked with the Italian Track Federation to serve as a liaison with the USOPC to obtain a waiver within one week.  With this waiver, Maya immediately has a 1 – year multi-entry window to enter the United States.  This waiver is also an excellent tool to expedite visa interviews at consulates around the world. 

If interested in obtaining a national interest waiver for direct travel into the United States, please visit for more information.

Sherrod Seward