Sports Visas for International Students – Sherrod Seward hosts seminar with the University of the Incarnate Word

Immigration Solutions for Student-Athletes – Seminar by Sherrod Sports Visas at UIW in San Antonio

For Immediate Release

On October 6, 2019, Sherrod Seward of Sherrod Sports Visas presented a sports immigration seminar to international students at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, TX. The International Student office organized the seminar to help the students prepare for the transition from F-1 visa status after graduating from college. 


“All international students are having a tough time finding employers with the willingness and options to hire them after graduation due to costs, stigma, and caps on visas,” partner Sherrod Seward says. “International student-athletes may actually have an advantage to obtain a work visa in the P-1 or O-1 category because there are no cap limitations on these visas.”

Having competition experience in the NCAA can be a tremendous advantage when applying for a sports-based visa as an athlete. Depending on the circumstances, the P-1 or O-1 visa may be appropriate to extend nonimmigrant status for three to five years. Both the P-1 and O-1 visas also allow for spouses and children to maintain nonimmigrant status as well. 

During the seminar, students asked great questions that could be useful for international student-athletes around the nation. Sherrod Sports Visas plans to host many more seminars across the nation to educate faculty and students about P-1 and O-1 visa options. 

To request a sports immigration seminar, please visit our website or send an email to 

Contact: Sherrod Seward, Esq.

Phone: 310-209-8545



Sherrod Seward