Gaganpreet “The Pitbull” Sharma successfully obtains P-1A visa
Sherrod Sports Visas, headed by Sherrod Seward Esqassisted the Indian world-class boxer Gaganpreet “The Pitbull” Sharma in his I-I29 P-1A petition. In light of Mr. Sharma’s outstanding achievements and international recognition, his services have been requested by the petitioner, A-1 Market LLC, allowing him to serve as a World Class Boxer.
P-1A visa USCIS Requirements
The following are the USCIS requirements for a P-1A visa:
A written consultation from a sport-appropriate labor organization. The consultation is a written advisory opinion from a relevant organization discussing the athlete or team’s distinctions and supporting your claim of international recognition. If no such peer organization exists, you will be evaluated according to your personal record;
A copy of your contract either with a major U.S. sports league or team or with an internationally recognized event distinguished in your sport;
Your itinerary and an explanation of the event; and
Two of the following:
Evidence that you (or your team) have previously participated in a major U.S. team or league;
Evidence that your (or your team) have previously participated in a national team for an international competition;
Evidence that your (or your team) have previously participated with a U.S. college or university in an intercollegiate competition;
A written statement from an official of a major U.S. sports league or team detailing your international recognition, individually or as a team;
A written statement from a sports media official or a recognized expert in your sport detailing your international recognition, individually or as a team;
Evidence of international rankings, if you (or your team) have received any;
Evidence of the receipt of a significant honor or award in your sport.