How Long Does it Take to Consular Process EB-1A Visas for Athletes and Coaches

What is the timing for the EB-1A Visas for both Regular and Premium Processing when using Consular Processing for Athletes and Coaches?

Under regular EB-1A processing, fees are $700 and timing is 8-13 months average responses. Please note that the responses may be a request for more evidence instead of an approval and start the processing clock over.

The athlete also has the option to add premium processing $2500 more and responses come in 15 business days or less.

The second part of the process is doing consular processing (interview) with the national visa center. This second part of the process usually happens in 3 months but it depends on the capacity and workload of the Consulate in the country the applicant is visiting. 

If everything goes according to plan, obtaining the permanent residence process can take 4-6 months or 12-18 months depending on using premium processing and the national visa center schedule.