Understanding the New USCIS Fee Schedule for EB-1A Permanent Residence Applications

As of April 1, 2024, individuals looking to apply for an EB-1A visa for extraordinary ability, along with those planning to adjust their status to permanent resident in the United States, need to be aware of significant changes in the fee structure mandated by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). At Sherrod Sports Visas, we are committed to keeping our clients informed and prepared for these changes. This blog post offers a detailed overview of the new USCIS fee schedule that will impact EB-1A applicants and their families.

Key Changes in Filing Fees

1. Form I-140 (Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker):

The EB-1A category, designed for individuals with extraordinary ability in sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, requires the filing of Form I-140. The filing fee for this form has been updated to $815. This fee is crucial as it initiates the process for those who are recognized at the top of their fields and are seeking to immigrate to the U.S.

2. Form I-485 (Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status):

For EB-1A applicants adjusting their status within the United States, each family member must file Form I-485. The standard fee for adults is now $1,440, while for children under the age of 14, the fee is slightly reduced to $950. This form is vital for applicants and their families wishing to adjust their status to that of a permanent resident.

3. Optional Forms – Employment and Travel Authorization:

While the main application process involves the forms mentioned above, applicants often need to work or travel during the processing period. For employment authorization (Form I-765), the revised fee is $520 per applicant. For those needing to travel internationally without affecting their application, the fee for the travel document (Form I-131) is now $630 per applicant.

Total Fee Impact

The total USCIS filing fees, without considering optional forms like employment and travel authorizations, amount to $4,645 for a family of three (two adults and one child under 14). When including the optional forms, this total rises to $8,095. These fees reflect only the direct costs associated with filing the required USCIS forms and do not include any legal or additional processing fees that may be incurred.

Why the Increase?

The adjustment in fees comes as part of USCIS's effort to stabilize its funding and improve service offerings, which includes reducing processing times and enhancing the overall efficiency of the immigration process. The fee increase helps USCIS cover the cost of processing complex applications like those in the EB-1A category, which require extensive review and verification due to the stringent criteria applicants must meet.

What This Means for Applicants

For prospective EB-1A applicants and their families, understanding these fee changes is crucial for planning their immigration journey. The financial implications are significant, and preparing for these costs in advance can help ensure a smoother application process. At Sherrod Sports Visas, we advise all our clients to consider these changes carefully and plan their finances accordingly.

How We Can Help

At Sherrod Sports Visas, we specialize in navigating the complex landscape of sports and talent-based immigration. Our team is ready to assist you with your EB-1A application, ensuring that you understand all requirements and are fully prepared for the financial aspects of your immigration process. Our expertise in sports and extraordinary ability visas position us uniquely to handle your case with the precision and attention it deserves.

For more detailed information or to discuss your specific situation, please contact us at [contact information]. Let us help you navigate these changes effectively and efficiently to achieve your U.S. immigration goals.

Sherrod Seward